MHCIMS Crane Safety Monitoring and Information Management System


The crane safety monitoring and information management solution is a crane information solution developed by Meiheng Company specifically for the safe operation monitoring and comprehensive information management of cranes. It provides five solutions in two major categories: crane safety monitoring and comprehensive information management, tailored to the actual situation of users, and can also create personalized crane information management solutions for users.

MHCIMS meets the national standard GB/T 28264-2012 and addresses the actual safety issues encountered during crane use, providing comprehensive and reliable safety monitoring and management for cranes. Crane safety monitoring is not just about simple recording and displaying of crane operations; it also requires data mining, analysis, and targeted processing of safety monitoring data. MHCIMS has continuously optimized safety data processing and comprehensive protection of cranes, fully meeting users' needs for crane operation safety control.

At the same time, MHCIMS has developed three main management functions: crane health management, performance/energy efficiency management, and equipment operation and maintenance management, addressing three core management issues: crane safety operation lifespan, crane application efficiency, and crane equipment optimization and maintenance. This helps crane managers significantly improve the overall management level of cranes, enhance the efficiency of crane management work, and save time and economic costs in crane management.

MHCIMS is an intelligent system that meets the real needs of various users while looking towards the future of equipment resource data management. This system is widely used in various types of bridge cranes, gantry cranes (port machinery), portal cranes, tower cranes, cable cranes, mast cranes, mobile cranes, as well as various bridge erecting machines, ship lifts, and port lifting machinery for safety monitoring and intelligent protection, equipment management, fault diagnosis, trajectory tracking and recording, remote monitoring and viewing, and system data analysis and management, covering the entire management field from the site to the decision-making level. This system not only fully understands and meets the indicators and requirements of the national standard GB/T 28264-2012 but also possesses rich information management functions such as electrical system equipment monitoring, operational production management, energy efficiency management, crane health management, and comprehensive crane analysis, providing users with overall solutions based on actual needs.

For detailed introduction and more products, please refer to"Product Center."

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